Common name of leucoderma is vitiligo. It is a skin disorder in which some of the body gets de-pigmented and white patches appear on the skin. These patches in the beginning may appear pale but after some time their color starts becoming white. Leucoderma is a skin disorder that neither contagious nor physically harmful, the major harm is does is the de-pigmentation which cosmetically unacceptable to most of the people.


Leucoderma exists from hundreds of years but its exact causes and its complete cure are not completely discovered. Some people say that it is a genetic disorder and most of the people inherit this disease. Another cause of leucoderma is a single event like severe mental or physical stress. Some people say that other autoimmune diseases are responsible for its initiation.


One must be sure that its cure is not available because a number of fraudulent people have developed fake products that claim hundred percent cure and money back guarantee. Beware of these scammers as they play with feelings of others to grab money.  People with leucoderma should either look for cosmetic camouflages or re-pigmentation treatments. So in a way people can manage vitiligo in a better way by using several cosmetic products or taking re-pigmentation treatments.


If you feel ok with your skin condition and do not want to treat it leave it as it is. Mainly treatments are done to look better and disguise your leucoderma. Most of the people starts experiencing psychological problems because of their appearance such people should either use cosmetic camouflages or re-pigmentation treatments. This can save them from psychological problems and if still you are having psychological problem then you must consult a mental health professional and get counseling session.


If the patches caused by leucoderma are present on the part of body that is not publicly exposed then re-pigmentation treatments or cosmetic camouflages can be neglected.

Psoralens are a group of compound that is found good for re-pigmentation of leucoderma patches. Psoralens act as a photosensitizing agent and make the skin sensitive to the tanning effect of sunlight which helps in re-pigmentation. Psoralens are either taken orally or topically. Use of psoralens when combined with some other treatments increases rate of re-pigmentation and gives enhanced results.


Some precaution that a leucoderma patient must take includes avoiding tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages and all condiments and highly flavored dishes. These products must also be avoided sugar, white flour products, denatured cereals like polished rice and pearled barley and tinned or bottled foods.


Before going for any treatment one must always consult a physician this helps in getting better and accurate results. You must also join some online vitiligo support groups and share ideas and experiences with other people in this ways you can save your time and go directly to treatment that was proved successful.